We know these unprecedented times are tough for everyone. Stay safe and healthy.
Luxe Dental™ COVID-19 Guidelines
As your dental facility, we wanted to take to the time to inform you of the current situation.
The health and well-being of our patients and staff continue to be our top priority. At Luxe Dental™ we have always followed the strict guidelines of the CDC, OSHA and the ADA. We will always strive to exceed those standards set forth by these organizations in order to ensure the safety of our family.
We will be fogging with super oxidized water (HOCL) twice a day to reduce virucidal activity to keep our patients and team safe. It is FDA approved and 100x more effective than bleach in killing viruses. It’s safe and found in contact lens solution and on food.
We will continue to operate business as usual until further notice. We wanted to inform you of the additional precautions we are taking to ensure the safety of our team and our patients. You may notice some slight differences in our day to day operation.
Any patients who are exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms; cough, runny nose, shortness of breath or fever will be rescheduled as an extra precaution. We will not reappoint them any sooner than 2 weeks. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please call us PRIOR to your appointment to reschedule.
If you have returned from travel in another country, Washington, New York, California or from a cruise, please call our office PRIOR to your appointment. Dr. Nguyen, Dr. Jackson, or Dr. Loh will determine if it will be best to postpone your dental visit depending on your origin of travel.
You will be asked to complete a screening questionnaire PRIOR to your appointment. Your temperature and pulse oximeter reading will be taken once you enter the office. If your temperature is above 99.0 you will be asked to reschedule your appointment. You will be required to wear a mask at all times at the office unless instructed to remove it, You will also be instructed to hand sanitize at reception before proceeding to the back for your appointment.
You will be asked to do a pre-treatment rinse with Peroxyl for 30 seconds prior to our clinical team beginning any and all treatment in order to reduce the number of microorganisms that might release in the form of aerosols. You may also be required to have a Betadine Throat Spray administered as well.
Our clinical team continues to operate and follow OSHA universal precaution standards. This means we ALWAYS treat every patient as if they already have a communicable disease. We follow strict infection control guidelines and have ensured that we have a sufficient supply of all personal protective equipment to include masks, gloves, face shields, gowns and appropriate barriers. We have added extra precautions in the rooms as well for all of our safety.
Our reception room, patient restroom, and check out area will be disinfected after every encounter. Because it is our standard to focus on one patient at a time, we can ensure that minimal traffic will be going through our facility on a daily basis. We ask that you do not bring any guests to your appointments so that we may adhere to the recommendation of “social distancing”.
When you visit our office, we will eliminate all hand-to-hand contact. You will notice we have added barriers in both our check-in and check-out areas.
Please know that during this time our office has remained healthy and symptom free. Should any of our team develop signs or symptoms of illness they will not be allowed to report for work until they are cleared. Our commitment to you is that should we perceive even a slight health risk that could adversely impact our team or our patients we will contact you immediately.
Should you have any questions or concerns please contact us at luxedental@gmail.com or call us at (214)416-9931.